
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

5 Myths about your body

  • Pregnancy during your period  There is belief that chance of pregnancy during the menstrual cycle remain unaffected as the sperm can wait up to one week inside a woman's body.
  • Menopause kills sex drive Menopause and sex drive are completly unrelated and any lack of drive could be due to other reasons.
  • Virginity The concept of virginity is purely social or cultural.No doctors can tell you if you are a virgin.The hymen always has a hole and its rupture can be caused anytime, regardless of the presence or absence of sexual activity.
  • More exercise, the better body Regularly exercise is good for health but at the same time too much exercise can increase the risk of infertility.Studies say taht women who work out too much are three times more pron to infertility.
  • Exercising without eating Exercising on an empty stomach may lead to more weight loss but it cab be harmful in other ways.It causes blood sugar levels to drop which can result in dizziness.Always eat light before and after your work-out everyday as it keeps your metabolic rate healthy and active.

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